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What is the Little Light of Mine Special Offering?
The special offering for Methodist Children’s Homes is more than just making a donation. This offering supports the daily ministry of MCH. Without your church’s support of the Little Light of Mine Special Offering, MCH would not be able to care for the hundreds of children and youth we serve each year.
The Little Light of Mine Special Offering kicks off on Children’s Sabbath Sunday, December 8. However, your church can collect your offering any time of the year. Just make sure to mark your envelope or check to designate it for the special offering.
For United Methodist churches, the Little Light of Mine Special Offering is collected rather than MCH being a part of your church’s apportionment to the Methodist Conference.
Get your church ready!
Sign up to participate in our “Little Light of Mine” offering. Here are five steps to make a difference:
Step 1: Choose a Sunday, October through December to collect your special offering.
Step 2: Let us know which date you’re collecting your offering by signing up below.
Step 3: Download your resources in order to promote the special offering in your church and prepare your congregation to give.
Step 4: Show the Little Light of Mine Special Offering video in your church’s worship service. Pray for the children and staff of MCH. Collect a special offering for your children at Methodist Children’s Homes.
Step 5: Your church sends in your offering and lives are changed by the resources you provided!
Contact Jordan Faison at jfaison@mchms.org or 601.473.8211 if you have any questions.