Protecting Our Children

During this difficult time with the COVID-19 outbreak, we pray you and your families are well. This is an uncertain time for our state, country, and global community, but we see the love of the Lord at work in many ways during these times.
Our ministry of serving vulnerable youth must continue through the current Coronavirus concerns. Although we will continue to operate our core ministries, we are making needed adjustments and taking precautions for the sake of our youth, staff, foster families, and community partners.
At this time we have 22 children on our Jackson campus and 16 children in our Therapeutic Foster Care program. MCH has developed a plan to ensure we can continue services to our children and families, but also follow the state and federal guidelines for social distancing and standard precautions.
Many of our normal activities are on hold. However, we have been blessed with this beautiful campus, our new Arant Recreational Center (opened this past fall), and our spacious gymnasium. Our Campus Life Minister has set up activities for our youth each day which include academics, independent living skills, and of course, recreation. He and our residential staff have a huge task of keeping 22 teenagers occupied and focused during this time. Pray for our staff and youth as they deal with the “cabin-fever’ that is sure to set in.
COVID-19 Precautions
- During this time, we are not allowing any unscheduled visitors to our campus.
- Our volunteer program is on hold until further notice.
- We are only accepting new in-kind donations shipped to MCH via Amazon, Wal Mart, etc.
- All staff members have taken three online trainings in regards to hand hygiene and infection control.
- We are currently not accepting new clients.
- All therapeutic needs of clients will continue to be met by our therapists via Telehealth.
Want to help?
Send us items from our wishlist or make a donation. For more information about how you can help, email