Young girl smiling

Your ongoing support made it possible for our youth to create joyful memories during summer camp at Lake Forest Ranch. Read more about how your support encouraged DeAndrea, a youth at MCH, to conquer a list of fears.

DeAndrea, a youth at MCH, conquered her fear of water and learned how to swim during her first time at camp. She was even confident enough to go tubing with a group of new faces. This is something DeAndrea never would’ve thought of doing months ago.

She also overcame her fear of public speaking. With encouragement from her MCH friends and other youth at summer camp, DeAndrea stood up in front of a large crowd and shared pieces of her foster care journey.

“Once I had the encouragement I needed, I knew I just needed to get up there and do it. Now it’s not so scary. I just had to take a leap of faith.”

Without you, DeAndrea would have never had this opportunity. You made this possible! Your support leads to so many special moments. Thank you for all the ways you love the children of MCH!